Friday, February 27, 2009

Classroom Management

The three aspects of classroom management that I will address are overall classroom respect, stricter consequences, and staying on topic. First, classroom respect needs to be addressed in each of my classes. Students talk to each other with such disrespect and I usually just let it happen. It becomes a probably when some students take offense to something said and then I have to step in. I have tried to be as respectful as possible to the classes and I usually receive respect back. To fix this problem I will begin to call out any disrespect I hear between the students. I will try to implement the rules we had from the deliberation task we did last semester. Everyone must be respectful to each other and if there is a problem it must be addressed in a respectful way. Secondly, I need to start sticking by my consequences. I really hate dishing out punishment because I feel like a hypocrite a lot of the times. I will usually tell someone they are in trouble, and then just give them a stern talking to. I am learning that a stern talking to does not work for every student. Some students have learned they can take advantage of my kindness. From now on I will be implementing detention or referrals for students who can not be respectful and behave. Thirdly, I need to stay on task. Sometimes, especially on days where we are not doing much, a student will say something about a basketball game or an event that occurred in the school and I will let them talk about it or we will discuss it. Now, I love talking about current events and news, but sometimes it turns into a yelling match between students and gets out of control. This is when a lot of disrespect is shown between students. We only get off task in my late classes because there are a lot of characters in those classes. From now on I will not allow students to discuss things not going on inside the classroom. Obviously, I’m not going to take the fun out of the classroom, but I will try to manage the conversations a little better from now on. My action plan will be implemented at the start of next week.

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