Thursday, February 26, 2009

Curriculum Action Plan

After reviewing the comments I received on my curriculum unit I came away with two things that I did wrong. Apparently, some of my literacy elements were not apparent in the lessons and my objectives were worded wrong. Other than those two mishaps I received a lot of positive feedback. There really is not a sophisticated action plan that can be implemented from the reviews I received (No offense). The only reconstruction I can do is to work on my literacy elements in the classroom. Or next time, address the literacy elements better throughout the lesson plans. Also, when I was creating the curriculum unit I was not familiar with the objective lingo. Since I have been in the classroom and working hand and hand with my mentor teacher I have learned better ways to word objectives. Since I now recognize my mistakes within the curriculum unit I will implement a fool proof action plan in my classroom. Honestly, I have already fixed the objective wording problem, now I just need to make sure I am using the literacy elements properly. This should not be a problem though, because my students do a lot of reading and critical thinking exercises. In other words, my action plan was made earlier this year and already implemented.

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